Monday, February 15, 2010

This year at the Renaissance Festival

I was a little sad when I found out that David had to work on the one Monday that we normally go to the Renaissance Festival. But luck for me Grammie and Poppi came to the rescue. We had a whole lot of fun and got to see some changes in Zane. Last year, he loved the dragon slide, this year, was too scared. Last year was too light to go on the bungee jump tramp. This year, was heavy enough, but could not do it because of the harness. (We all know he can jump on a tramp). Last year he was not that into the shows. This year he loved the Wildmen Show and wanted to go in the mud.

King and Queen Entering the Festival

Poppi with a Duck on his head

Zane with the New Mother Goose and Maggie the Goose

Shanty Man and Bonnie Lass Pirate Show: I love their Nursery Rhyme skit.
Every one they end with
"they threw them out the window, out the window out the window,
with a yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. They threw them out the window."
Amazingly it does work with every one!

Grammie, Poppi and Zane waiting for the Wildmen

The Wildmen

Zane after getting wet from the Beast's truck

Jousting Tournament

Zane on one of the rides

Bungee Tramp

Trying Archery

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