Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Zanese Dictionary

The following is a sample of Zane's vocabulary recorded in a single day.
I've taken the liberty of adding the correct phonetic pronunciation and definition.
I hope you get as much enjoyment readind it as I did writing it.


Zanese Dictionary
Ack (Ack) A word I hear every night as I'm putting Zane to bed while he lies on his tummy making a rubbing motion behind him.

Aieeeee! (Think steam whistle) A sound Zane emits at the top of his lungs, but only in a public place where he can get EVERYONE’S attention.

At (At) Said as he pats the top of his head wanting you to get his Hat for him which he promptly tears off and flings in any general direction after about 30 seconds

Ba (Bah) Word generally referring to any round object which can be picked up and hurled over the backyard fence for Daddy to go and retrieve.

Ba-By (Bye-Bye) Self explanatory

Bayoon (Bahyoun) A rubber object which when inflated with air, tied off and hit into a ceiling fan, rotating at a high rate of speed, can provide a seeming endless form of entertainment.

Blwah (Think talking tongue-tied) Not sure how this came to be but believe it or not it's what he calls a football

Bobo (Bow-bow) General reference to one of 3 stuffed animals which are required to be in close proximity to Zane at all times. Also the given name of his original stuffed bear. The other two stuffed animals are actually named woof-woof and Micah bear but since Zane can't say their names they are all refereed to as Bo-bo.

Bu (Boo) Refers to the color blue, used most recently as he held a blue crayon which he then promptly proceeded to bite the tip off of.

Bush (Buhsh) A favorite request of Zane's so he can suck the toothpaste off the toothbrush.

Byte (Bite) Something Zane likes to do to get your attention. Usually followed by a nice spanking

Da (Dah) Another form of Yes

Da-De (Dah-Dee) One of several words also including Da-da which Zane’s uses to call his father after refusing to do whatever it is that Mommy is trying to get him to do. This includes but is not limited to: Changing his diaper, Helping him in and out of his car seat/high chair, Getting him ready for bed, Changing him from a set of wet/muddy clothes into some clean ones, Trying to move him in the same direction you want to go and last but not least, Getting him to fall sleep.

Dat (Dat) That

Dep (Dep) An early pronunciation of the word Yep which he sometimes reverts to whenever he feels like it.

Dere (Dare) There

Deys (Dees) Objects Zane requests whenever we are trying to leave someplace in the truck or get into the house because HE has to be the one to open the door.

Dis (Dis) This

Dive (Dive) What Zane says after he opens the truck door and climbs into the drivers seat moving the steering wheel back and forth.

Doo (Due) Do as in "Doo Mine" or can also be referring to You

Dop (Dop) A word Zane uses whenever he drops something on the ground, invariably something breakable

Down (Down) Usually said only after using the word Up which he learned from reading "The little bug who went Kachoo!" because the bucket went UP it had to come DOWN.

Eye (Eye) Used quite often as Daddy has a nasty habit of getting shampoo in Zane's Eyes during bath time.

Fi (Fie) A common household pest which Zane likes to swat at.

Ice (Eyesss) A very cold, solid object which can be placed in the mouth and shot out like a torpedo.

Ight (eyeght) Short for any object that emits light and can be turned on and off repeatedly until Zane is physically removed from the switch.

Irt (urt) One of Zane’s favorite outdoor items which he likes to mix with water and then fling at Mommy.

Juice (jewsh) Another word used for any number of liquid refreshments including O.J. and milk which are put in a sippy cup and then hurled across the kitchen when you least expect it.

Ma-Me (Mah-Mee) One of several words also including Ma-ma which Zane’s uses to call his mother after refusing to do whatever it is that Daddy is trying to get him to do. This includes but is not limited to: Changing his diaper, Helping him in and out of his car seat/high chair, Getting him ready for bed, Changing him from a set of wet/muddy clothes into some clean ones, Trying to move him in the same direction you want to go and last but not least, Getting him to fall sleep.

Mew (Mew) One of the many animals that Zane uses the sound they make rather than the actual name of the animal. This one happening to be a cat.

Mine (Mine) Word spoken more often than any other word. Used in conjunction with a pointed finger at any object in Zane's vicinity. In Zane's little mind all things are mine.

Mis (Miss) What Zane said last night after dumping his french fries all over the floor. Like we couldn't tell he had just made a mess.

Mo (Mow) A relatively new word that Zane has learned to use in short sentence such as "Mo Ice Pease".

Nack (Knack) General word used to describe any edible foodstuff which Zane happens to be craving at that moment in time.

Oof (Owf) The protecting layer of the top of our house where Zane wants all his toys thrown on top of so they can roll down back onto the ground or more often into our neighbors back yard.

Ow (Ow) A word Zane uses whenever he bonks himself in the head. Also what Zane calls a cactus

Owl (Owhl) Also uses hoo-hoo to describe this nocturnal animal.

Pease (Peas) A rarely used word to ask for something politely. The frequency of use of this word is being increased by the denial of requested object until the saying of the magic word.

Pepa (Peppa) Zane's all-time favorite condiment which has to be sprinkled on almost anything he has on his plate.

Poo-poo (Poo-poo) What Zane says as he comes up to you tugging on his diaper right after fillin er up.

Quack (Duck like sound) General reference to any animal which flies through the air including but not limited to ducks.

Rawrrrr! (Think large angry bear) Used interchangeably to describe Lions, Tigers, Bears or any other large growling animal.

Schush (Spray bottle spray sound) Used to describe spray-on suntan lotion.

Tuck (Tuck) Word used to describe any large truck-like vehicle or the sound a motorcycle makes as it passes by our house unseen.

Uh-oh (Uh-oh) Something Zane likes to say right after he's done something he knows Mommy and Daddy won't like.

Up (Up) A word heard very often, especially when Zane gets tire of walking or wants various toys thrown in the air or on the roof.

Wa (Whah) Used to say what a crayon is made of and then he bites the tip off of which he has done to just about every crayon he has ever held in his hand.

Wawa (Wah-wah) Refers to any liquid which can be drank, spit, spilled or sprayed out of a hose on Mommy or Daddy when they're not looking.

Wies (Wise) Zane's all-time favorite food. Whenever we order something for Zane we have to have them keep the fries separate or he won't eat anything else.

Woo-Woo (Wu-Wu) Zane's word for Doggy usually followed by an imitation of a dog panting.

Yep (Yep) One of many words Zane uses to convey an affirmative response.

Yes (Yesssss) Another affirmative response


iamchanelle said...

wow. just...wow.
you should save this for his future wife. may come in handy.

iamchanelle said...

oh, and:
"Wies (Wise) Zane's all-time favorite food. Whenever we order something for Zane we have to have them keep the fries separate or he won't eat anything else."

me too.
