Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wondering Why We Still Have Hair!!!!

This last week has been one to remember. First, on Wed. we had some action in our neighborhood. There was a bank robber who stole a car and then broke in and hid in one of the houses very near to us. It was about noon when it all started to take place. Normally, Zane and I would have been outside, however Zane WANTED to go take his nap. I was surprised to say the least. Well, I was talking on the phone with my mom when the helicopters started to circle. Nothing unusual. So we continued to talk. Then our old neighbor called and told me the school was in lock down and the kids were fine. I had no clue what she was talking about, she filled me in. I was scared. Luckily, the front of the house was locked up, because it was a hot day. Well, soon there were figures out in our backyard. Yeah, scary!!!! I also see figures walking to the front door. Well, I finally look outside and see police men and a police dog in the street. I went out to ask if they were in our backyard, and they were. Well I looked down the street and see a man under a camo blanket with a gun drawn! They police snipers were on the four houses at the curve of our street. It ended peacefully with no shots fired and the robber arrested. God was looking out for us, again!

Sniper on the Roof, I am in our driveway!

On Sunday, David had left for church, Zane and I were all ready to go and Zane finds the mud. He comes to find me with legs covered in mud and handfuls of mud! Which he then throws at me (I am in the house!) We proceed to change into outfit two and clean him up in the sink. Of course we then are running late! Here is what he thinks of the happenings!

If that is not enough, Zane has also discovered a great hiding place. I am sure we all have used it, I know that Jason and I both did (and got into trouble for using it). Which makes it all the more amusing!

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