Friday, April 22, 2011

Cody is Six Months!

I can not believe that it has been 6 months already! Cody has been such a blessing and is such a happy baby. He is weighing in at 13 pounds 12 ounces, is 25.5 inches, and has a 43.2 cm head circumference (7%, 50% and 50%). He cut his first tooth on Sunday and has started eating rice, bananas and avocados. He is still not sure of the avocados yet. He cat naps and has to have his Binky, it can only be the soothie brand too. He adores his big brother and watches everything he does. Zane loves "his baby" as long as daddy is not home. Cody is also very fond of daddy! If we are having a hard time calming Cody down all we have to do is take him outside. He does not like tummy time and has figured out that if he just rolls over then he does not have to be on his tummy. He is almost ready to roll from back to tummy and sit up.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Tummy time is soooo important!! My Hubby read a book about boys and a study done with middle school boys having trouble with math. Half of the group did physical exercises (mostly on their and and knees); the other half did math problems. Want to guess which group faired best at summer's end? The group who crawled!! So, keep that boy on his belly whether he likes it or not. :)