Monday, April 12, 2010

What a difference a week makes!

This weeks hockey was much better than last weeks. He still needs work but there is no chair involved!

Zane is the one in white. They are "learning" to get up.

Other news in the family

We are just over 8 weeks and are due Nov. 17! We are excited. Zane is a little disappointed because he was insistent (and still is) that there are two. We got to see the heart beat today. As for how I am feeling, tired, nauseated, and TIRED! Did I mention that I am tired.

So that is what is up at our house hold. Things are starting to heat up, which means lots of swimming. Our pool is already set up and Zane is trilled to be swimming. I am going to be signing him up for lesions again and will be doing water aerobic again. We have two more weeks of hockey and MOMS (like MOPS). Three more weeks of T-ball and Sammy Seedlings Preschool, and five more weeks of Little Nature Explores. I am ready to slow down a bit but am not looking forward to the heat of summer here.


SaraMarie said...

YAY, YAY, YAY. I know I already congratulated you on FB, but I am so excited for you! CONRATS Perin Family!

Julie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! YAY! Super yay!! Yippee!! Here's for a pink future...fingers crossed. :)