Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sanity in Art!

As many of you know, I love to do art with Zane. And he loves it also. Today we visited AMY (Arizona Museum for Youth) for an art class for 2 to 5 year olds. The title was MESSY CREATIONS! Yes, it is a very accurate description. Zane loved it! Afterward, while talking to David at lunch, I realized that I love the art classes too! Maybe more than Zane!!!! WHY? He can make as big of a mess as he wants and I don't have to clean it up!!!!! HURRAY!!!!

Thank you to Jane, his teacher of the class. We love taking her classes. And thank you to all the staff at AMY! It is great for preschoolers and it is a great price. There is a link to their web site in the right margin. I strongly suggest a visit.

Here is some of the awesome art that Zane created today in class.

Not too messy, use bingo dabbers and dip in water, then SMASH on the paper: Splatter painting

FEATHER PAINTING: Use a feather, dip in paint and paint. Zane added glitter and feathers.

Glitter Stamping: Use glue and foam stamp and put on paper, then sprinkle glitter over!

Use glue as paint, then sprinkle colored sand over, like glitter, and shake off excess. MESSY


Jessica said...

We love it there! I am always reluctant to go because of the drive, but once there, I love every minute of it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the kind words. I am so glad that we can offer classes that are not only fun but can help you maintain your sanity. As a mother of three children, I was always on the look out for activities to do with my kids. Given the opportunity to teach these classes is such a joy to me. Again, thank you!