Saturday, August 23, 2008

Time with Nanna and Papa

Zane's Nanna and Papa have been in town! It is great to have them here, for it gives me a break and there is someone else to play with. In fact, when Zane woke up he asked "Where is Papa? and Where is Nanna?" He was fine once I told him that they were in the guest room sleeping (like he needed to!)

They came to art class with us, so I was able to get pictures! First time for that!

They had foam paint, which was really cool, until it dried. When you touch it, it flakes off in very fine powder. I highly recommend using shaving cream (Barbosol is $0.80) and white glue. Whip it and add colors of your choice, or let them paint then add the foam paint glue. Same effect, without the powder after it dries.

For some reason his paintings all come out with the same color theme?!?!

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